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Monero and Multichain collapse amid Binance’s recent announcement to delist

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The cryptocurrency exchange will delist four tokens from the platform. According to the crypto exchange’s announcement on Feb. 6, Binance will delist Aragon (ANT), Multichain (MULTI), Vai (VAI), and Monero (XMR) on Feb. 20. “When a coin or token no longer meets this standard or the industry changes, we conduct a more in-depth review and potentially delist it. We believe this best protects all our users.” Binance announcement As of this date, Binance will stop trading ANT/BTC, ANT/USDT, MULTI/USDT, USDT/VAI, XMR/BNB, XMR/BTC, XMR/ETH, XMR/USDT. In addition, on the specified day, all trading orders will be automatically deleted after trading ceases in each corresponding trading pair. At the time of writing, VAI and ANT had practically no reaction to the news of the delist ing from Binance. However, MULTI and XMR collapsed shortly after the announcement . According to CoinmarketCap, MULTI has lost more than 27% in value over the past 24 hours, dropping to $1.54. Market capitali