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Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn nagasaki newspaper

Alleged Japanese Scam Operators Paid up to 3,000 ‘Investors’ in a ‘Worthless’ Cryptoasset

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Source: Shisu Ka/Adobe Source: Shisu Ka/Adobe A group of Japanese lawyers has alleged that 3,000 people may have been duped in an apparent Ponzi scheme allegedly hatched by a firm that pledged to pay investors in a “worthless” cryptoasset. Per the Nagasaki Newspaper, the allegations center around a Tokyo-based firm named VISION. A team of volunteer lawyers from the Nagasaki Bar Association announced they were representing several victims. The team claimed that the firm and its associates tricked victims into paying for “USB devices.” The lawyers explained that these devices, victims were told, would be “rented” to both Japanese and overseas customers. They were pre-loaded with a range of popular apps, the company allegedly said. Would-be “investors” were told that they could expect to receive regular payouts as customers then “rented” the “devices.” But when cash payouts became increasingly rare, the company allegedly issued its investors with a “cryptoasset” wh